
According to the Insurance Law no. 5510, the insurance contingency begins;
1- when the insured person starts working, vocational education, internship or attending a course.

2- One will become a social insurant;
– when the tax obligation of the income tax payers, ordinary partnerships in Partnership Company, working partners and commanditairies in limited partnerships, association of ship-owners starts.
– When the Corporation of the shareholders of a limited company and the working partners in limited partnerships with share capital should be registered by the Trade Register Office.
– When the shareholders, who are the board member in a joint stock company, is appointed to the board of directors.
– When a person, who is exempt from income tax, registers in the Union of Chamber of Merchants and Craftsmen.
– When a person, who do agriculture pro se and is self-employed, notify his/her agricultural activities within one year; if not, he/she will become a social insurant when it was notified.
– When a village headman or neighborhood mukhtar is elected and when he/she gets to work referring to his/her certificate. 

3- For people being social insurant within the scope of bend C,
– Starting date of employment,
– Start date of education at schools will be taken into consideration.

***People being exempt from income tax and people doing agriculture pro se and being self-employed should take the opinion of Professional organizations which are ordained about recording and registration.

Source: The Insurance Law No. 5510 (Article 7)