November 4, 2022

Persons in employment resident in Germany, September 2022
0.0% on the previous month (seasonally adjusted)
+0.5% on the previous month (not seasonally adjusted)
+0.9% on the same month a year earlier

Roughly 45.6 million persons resident in Germany were in employment in September 2022. According to provisional calculations of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the seasonally adjusted number of persons in employment decreased slightly by 4,000 people (0.0%) from the previous month, following an increase of 12,000 in August and a decrease of 9,000 in July. As a result, the seasonally adjusted number of persons in employment has hardly changed in the last four months.

Adjusted unemployment rate unchanged at 3.0% in September 2022

According to calculations based on the labour force survey, 1.30 million people were unemployed in September 2022. That was a decrease of 147,000, or 10.2%, compared with September 2021. The unemployment rate was 2.9% (September 2021: 3.3%).

Adjusted for seasonal and irregular effects for instance due to weather conditions or strike, the number of unemployed stood at 1.31 million, on a par with the level recorded in August 2022. The adjusted unemployment rate remained unchanged at 3.0% in September 2022.

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