
The important matters and information for foreigners who obtained work permit and will be subject to Labor Law;

1- No discrimination based on language, race, sex, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion and sex or similar reasons is permissible in the employment relationship.
2- A lower wage for similar jobs or for work of equal value due to the employee’s sex is not permissible.
 No one can be forced to do labor. Angary is prohobited. “Angary”, is when a person is forced to work without getting paid for it.
4- Written form is required for employment contracts with a fixed duration of one year or more.
5- Employment contract is prepared as 2 copies and signed by employer and employee, the signed copy is given to employee.
6- In case there is no written contract, the employer is obligated to give the employee a written document with the general and special work conditions in 2 months at the latest.
7- If there’s a probation period for the employment contract, it can be 2 months at most.
 However probation periods can be extended upto 4 months with collective labor agreements.
 Employees have to be declared as insured to the Social Security Institute (SSI) by the employer at least 1 day before they start working. (in constructure, agriculture and fishing the deadline is the day they start working)
10- Employers need to insure all of their employees.
11- It’s prohibited to employ children who have not turned 14. However, children who have turned 14 and completed their obligatory primary education can be employed in light duty.
 In Labor Law, work hours can not exceed 45 hours in a week. Any work done over 45 hours is deemed over work.
13- Night work (work between the hours 20:00-06:00) can’t last more than 7,5 hours.
14- Day work can’t last longer than 11 hours.
15- Children who have completed their 14 years of age, have not turned 15 and have completed primary education can’t work over than 7 hours a day and more than 35 hours in a week.
16- For young employees who have turned 15 but have not turned 18, this time limit can be increased upto 8 hours in a day and 40 hours in a week.
17- Overtime work can not exceed 270 hours in a year.
18- It’s obligatory to have the consent of an employee for overtime work.

Source: Ministry of Labor and Social Security