1- What is working at night?
Working at night can be necessary in workplaces according to work’s quality and obligations.
Employees can work 24 hours alternately in the workplaces where working hours is different than 10 hours a day working.

2-In which hours “night” is defined?
Working at night can start at 20:00 p.m. and finish at 06:00 a.m. and it can be 11 hours at most.

3- How many hours working at night can be at most?
Working at night cannot exceed 7, 5 hours a day.

4- In which sectors working at night can exceed normal working hours?
In some sectors, 7, 5 hours of working is possible if worker’s consent provided. These sectors are as follows:
– Tourism
– Private Security,
–Health Services.

5- How is working at night decided?
In the workplaces which there are working at night, first group of workers work at night in a week and then the other group of workers work in the following week.

It can be 2 weeks of alternation in morning and night shifts.

6- How many hours a worker whose shift changes, get to work?
A worker needs to rest at least 11 hours before he/she starts another shift.

7- Who cannot get to work at night?
In the Workplaces of industries;
– It is forbidden for children under 18 to work at night.
– Female workers over 18 can work at night according to the procedure and principles of the ministry of labor and Social Security.