The population of Turkey became 83 154 997 people
The population residing in Turkey increased by 1 million 151 thousand 115 people compared to the previous year, and reached to 83 million 154 thousand 997 people as of 31 December 2019. Male population was 41 million 721 thousand 136 people and female population was 41 million 433 thousand 861 people. While 50.2% of the total population were males, 49.8% of the total population were females.
According to the results of Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS), foreign population(1) residing in Turkey increased by 320 thousand 146 people and reached to 1 million 531 thousand 180 people. 50.8% of this population were males and 49.2% of this population were females.
Annual population growth rate of Turkey was 13.9 in thousands
Annual population growth rate decreased to 13.9‰ in 2019 from 14.7‰ in 2018.
Population and annual population growth rate, 2007-2019

Proportion of population living in province and district centers was 92.8%
Proportion of population residing in province and district centers increased to 92.8% in 2019 from 92.3% in 2018. Besides, proportion of population living in towns and villages decreased to 7.2% from 7.7%.
The population of İstanbul became 15 million 519 thousand 267 people
The population residing in İstanbul increased by 451 thousand 543 people compared to the previous year and reached to 15 million 519 thousand 267 people. İstanbul, constituting 18.66% of Turkey’s population, was followed by Ankara with 5 million 639 thousand 76 inhabitants, İzmir with 4 million 367 thousand 251 inhabitants, Bursa with 3 million 56 thousand 120 inhabitants and Antalya with 2 million 511 thousand 700 inhabitants.
The first 5 provinces with the highest population by sex, 2019

The least populated province was Tunceli with 84 thousand 660
Tunceli was the least populated province with 84 thousand 660 inhabitants. This province was followed by Bayburt with 84 thousand 843 inhabitants, Ardahan with 97 thousand 319 inhabitants, Kilis with 142 thousand 490 inhabitants and Gümüşhane with 164 thousand 521 inhabitants.
The first 5 provinces with the lowest population by sex, 2019

Structural change in population pyramid continued
Population pyramids are the graphs that show the changes in the age-sex structure of the population. When the population pyramids of Turkey were compared for the years 2007 and 2019, it is seen that there is increase in the elderly population and rise in the median age, due to the decline in the fertility and mortality rates.
Population pyramid, 2007, 2019

Median age of Turkey’s population increased to 32.4
The median age is the age of the person in the middle when the ages of the all people in the population are sorted from the new-born baby to the oldest. Median age is also one of the important indicators used in the interpretation of the age structure of the population.
The median age of the population in Turkey increased to 32.4 in 2019 from 32 in 2018. While the median age of males increased from 31.4 to 31.7, the median age of females increased from 32.7 to 33.1.
Median age by sex, 2007-2019

While Sinop had the highest median age, Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age
When the median age was examined by the provinces, it was seen that Sinop had the highest median age with 40.8. This province was followed by Balıkesir with 40.2 and Giresun with 39.9. On the other side, Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age with 20.1. This province was followed by Şırnak with 20.9 and Ağrı with 21.8.
Sinop had the highest median age for both males and females
When the median age was examined by sex and provinces, it was seen that for the male population, Sinop had the highest median age with 39.5 and Şanlıurfa had the lowest median age with 19.7. For the female population, Sinop had the highest median age with 42.1 and Şırnak had the lowest median age with 20.5.
The first 5 provinces with the highest and the lowest median age by sex, 2019

Proportion of population in working age group was 67.8%
The proportion of the working age population aged 15-64 increased from 66.5% in 2007 to 67.8% in 2019. Accordingly, the proportion of child population aged 0-14 decreased from 26.4% to 23.1%, proportion of population aged 65 and over increased from 7.1% to 9.1%.
Proportion of population by age groups, 2007, 2019

Total age dependency ratio increased
Total age dependency ratio which indicates the total number of children and elderly people per person in working age increased from 47.4% in 2018 to 47.5% in 2019.
Child dependency ratio which indicates the total number of children per person in working age decreased from 34.5% to 34.1%. Elderly dependency ratio which indicates the number of people aged 65 and over per person in working age increased from 12.9% to 13.4%. In other words, 100 people in working age were responsible for 34.1 children and 13.4 elders in Turkey for 2019.
Age dependency ratios, 2015-2019

Number of people per square kilometer was 108 for Turkey and 2 thousand 987 for İstanbul
The population density, which is the number of persons per square kilometer, increased by 1 person compared to 2018 and reached to 108 in 2019. İstanbul had the highest population density with 2 thousand 987 persons per square kilometer. This province was followed by Kocaeli with 541 persons and İzmir with 364 persons.
On the other side, similar to the previous year, Tunceli was the province which had the smallest population density with 11 persons per square kilometer. This province was followed by Ardahan and Erzincan with 20 persons.
Population density of Konya which has the largest surface area was 57 and population density of Yalova which has the smallest surface area was 320.
The next release on this subject will be on February, 2021.
Populations of localities were calculated by considering the records of Address Based Population Registration System, which is updated by the Ministry of Interior General Directorate of Civil Registration and Nationality, and the institutional population. According to the international definitions, persons who live in institutional places such as military barracks, prisons, nursing homes, university dormitories, etc. are included in the population of localities where the institutions are sited.
In addition, population of provinces, districts, municipalities, villages and quarters are determined according to the records of the National Address Database as of 31 December 2019.
(1) Foreign population covers individuals who are holding a valid residence/work permit at the reference day and individuals who have a valid address declaration at the reference day while holding an identity document equivalent to residence permit such as international protection identity document and the individuals who have already renounced his/her Turkish Republic citizenship and who have a valid address declaration at the reference day. In addition to Syrians under temporary protection, foreigners holding visas or residence permits shorter than 3 months with the purpose of training, tourism, scientific research, etc. are not covered.