Specialized Consultancy Audit Related to R&D Software and Innovation Activities

Check-up service specific to the company regarding the Incentives and Supports in the current R&D Legislation, Correction of application errors in line with the determinations.
Determining whether the income tax, Corporate Tax, VAT, Insurance Premium, Wage Income Tax, Grant and other incentives and support elements are used correctly. Although you are an R&D Center, there may be supports that you cannot benefit from.
The services we offer in this context are listed below under the headings:
– R&D, design and innovation incentive and support implementation consultancy and representation of companies before administrative authorities
– Consultancy services within the scope of accounting, corporate tax, value added tax, stamp tax and other tax applications within the scope of R&D, design and innovation applications
– Financial implementation consultancy within the scope of the Technology Development Zones Law
– Financial implementation consultancy within the scope of the Law on Supporting Research and Development Activities
– Reporting services related to R&D, design and innovation finances