September 29, 2022
International Trade in Services Statistics of Türkiye, 2021
Exports and imports of services and the balance, 2016-2021
Transport services had the highest share with 70.2% in services exports
International trade in services by type of services (travel excluded), 2020-2021
Transport services exports were 24 billion 420 million dollars in 2021
Services trade by type of services, 2020-2021
Transport services had the highest share with 39.1% in services imports too
Distribution of services trade by type of services, 2021
The exports and imports of services were made with European Union at most
Services trade by country groups, 2021
European Union became the leading group of countries in Türkiye’s exports and imports of services. European Union ranked first with the share of 36.5% in 2021 in terms of services exports; and the first in services imports with 43.5% in 2021.
Distribution of services trade by country groups, 2021
Germany ranked first in services exports and Ireland in imports
The top country for Türkiye’s services imports was Ireland with the share of 10.6% and 2 billion 962 million dollars in 2021. Germany ranked second with the share of 8.6% and 2 billion 414 million dollars, and the USA ranked third with the share of 8.5% and 2 billion 387 million dollars in 2021.
The top three countries in trade services, 2020-2021
The next release on this subject will be on September, 2023.
Travel (tourist services) is a sub-title of International Service Trade Statistics, but it is not included in the statistics presented in this press release. Travel services export and import values compiled by TurkStat within the scope of tourism statistics are included in the Balance of Payments Statistics of the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye.
Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification (EBOPS) which was in the Statistical Classifications Regulation published in the official newspaper No. 31022 (repeated) is used in ITSS.
National geographical classification produced in accordance with the European Union geographical classification codes, called Geonomenclature, was used as country group classification.
Source: Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat)
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