1-What is working time?
Shortly, working hours mean the period someone spends at work during a day.

2-What are the daily, weekly and monthly working hours?
Unless indicated otherwise,
-Daily working hours are 7.5 hours
-Weekly working hours are 45 hours
-Monthly working hours are 225 hours.

3-How many hours should an underground worker and a mineworker work?
The working hours of an underground worker and a mineworker are max. 7.5 hours in a day and max. 37.5 hours in a week.

4-How do working hours differ?
Weekly working hours can be regulated in line with the employment contract, providing that daily working hours must be max. 11 hours.
However, average weekly working hours of the employee cannot go over normal weekly working hours within two-month period in this practice.

*Reference period can be raised to 4 months with collective labor agreements.
**In tourism sector, average weekly working hours of the employee cannot go over normal weekly working hours within four-month period in this practice; reference period can be raised to 6 months with collective labor agreements.
***Mode of administration of working times is in the regulations prepared by Ministry of Labor and Social Security.

Source: Labor Law no. 4857 (Article 63)