Road Traffic Accident Statistics, 2017

In the road network of Turkey, 1 million 202 thousand 716 traffic accidents occurred in total during year 2017. Among all those accidents 1 million 20 thousand 47 accidents were with material loss and 182 thousand 669 were with death or injury. For the accidents involving death or injury, 74.4% of them occurred at inhabited area and 25.6% occurred at uninhabited area.7 thousand 427 persons were killed and 300 thousand 383 persons were injured

As a result of 182 thousand 669 accidents involving death or injury occurred in Turkey during year 2017, 3 thousand 534 people were killed at accident scene and 3 thousand 893 people who were injured at traffic accident and sent to health facilities died within 30 days after the accident due to related accident and its impacts. 48.6% of deaths and 66.8% of injuries occurred at inhabited area whereas 51.4% of deaths and 33.2% of injuries occurred at uninhabited area.

43.2% of the people killed in traffic accidents were drivers

Among the people killed in the accidents occurred in the road network of Turkey during year 2017, 43.2% of them were drivers, 34.2% were passengers and 22.6% were pedestrians. Concerning the gender breakdown of people killed 76% of them were men and 24% were women; whereas for the people injured 68.9% of them were men and 31.1% were women.

Driver faults were the primary fault causing traffic accidents with 89.9% share 

Looking at the 213 thousand 325 total faults causing accidents involving death or injury in Turkey during year 2017, it was observed that 89.9% of faults were driver faults, 8.5% were pedestrian faults, 0.7% were road faults, 0.5% were vehicle faults and 0.4% were passenger faults.

294 thousand 515 vehicles were involved in accidents with death or injury

In Turkey, the distribution of 294 thousand 515 road motor vehicles involved in accidents with death or injury was cars 52.7%, small trucks 15.7%, motorcycles 15.2%, minibuses 3.1%, trucks 2.9%, trailers 2.6%, buses 2.2%, tractors 1.1% and the other vehicles 4.5% during year 2017.

Accidents involving death or injury occurred most in July least in February

In Turkey by year 2017 looking at the monthly distribution of 182 thousand 669 accidents involving death or injury, accidents most frequently occurred in July with 11% share whereas accidents had least frequently occurred in February with 5.6% share. Regarding the distribution among the days of the week, accidents involving death or injury most frequently occurred on Saturdays with 15.1% share and least frequently on Tuesdays with 13.7% share.

67.4% of accidents involving death or injury occurred at daytime

Concerning the 182 thousand 669 accidents involving death or injury occurred in the road network of Turkey, 67.4% of accidents occurred at day, 30% occurred at night and 2.6% occurred at twilight.

The next release on this subject will be in June 2019.

Data of road traffic accidents are compiled from the administrative records of General Directorate of Public Security (GDPS) and General Command of Gendarmerie (GCG) and published annually by Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) according to Official Statistical Programme (OSP). The accidents with material loss which are documented by people involved in accidents are also included to total number of accidents.

Until year 2015 the number of persons killed in road traffic accident statistics included the deaths only at accident scene. As the work carried out to harmonise the statistics of persons killed at road traffic accidents with the international definitions has been completed in coordination with General Directorate of Public Security, General Command of Gendarmerie, Ministry of Health and Turkish Statistical Institute; statistics on the people who were injured at road traffic accidents and sent to health facilities who died within 30 days after the accident due to related accident and its impacts are included in the statistics and submitted to users since 2015.