Overworking means an overtime when one works more than 45 hours accepted normal working hours in a week according to article 41 of the Labor Law no. 4857.
Overtime wage is calculated differently for weekdays and weekends.
Calculation of overtime wage;
– The day wage should be raised fifty percent (50%) for the overtime in weekdays.
– The day wage should be raised one hundred percent (100%) for the overtime at weekends.
– The day wage should be raised one hundred percent (100%) for the public holidays and festive holidays.

Sample 1: The normal weekly working hours of an employee, whose net pay is 2.500,00 TL in January 2017, are 45 hours. His/her monthly working hours are 195 for 30 days. This employee has 7 hours overtime in weekdays, 10 hours overtime at weekend and 7, 5 hours overtime in public holidays and festive holidays. Accordingly, employee’s monthly salary should be calculated as stated below:

Source: The Labor Law no. 4857