How Many Days Does an Employer or an Employee Have in Order to Use his/her Right to Terminate Labor Contract?

The right to terminate labor contract based on situations being unfit for morals and good will presented...

By |2017-07-11T11:59:31+03:0011 July 2017|News|0 Comments

Is It Possible to Receive Seniority Indemnity After Marriage According to Turkish Labor Law?

The right to terminate labor agreement within 1 year after the date of marriage is exclusively given to women according to Turkish Labor Law...

By |2017-07-07T11:52:48+03:007 July 2017|News|0 Comments

Free Circulation for Household Goods Which are Brought by Real Persons from Abroad in order to Use Them in Turkey!

Real persons (residing out of Customs Territory of Turkey) are allowed to use household...

By |2017-07-05T16:55:45+03:005 July 2017|News|0 Comments
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