If revenues of foreign institutions subject to limited tax is composed of incomes and revenues written in Income Tax Law excluding copyright, prerogative, invention, management, trade name, brand and the selling of intangible rights,

By |2018-05-23T16:55:06+03:0023 May 2018|News|0 Comments

Birth Statistics, 2017

Total fertility rate means that the average number of live births that a woman would have under the assumption that she survived to the end of her reproductive life which is 15-49 age group and had a child according to a Total fertility rate means that the average number of live births that a woman would have under the assumption that she survived to the end of her reproductive life which is 15-49 age group and had a child according to a given age

By |2018-05-23T14:13:52+03:0023 May 2018|News|0 Comments

What are the rights and debts of the parties in time chart agreement?

What are the rights and debts of the parties in time chart agreement? 1- Collector’s debt: Collector undertakes the technical management of the ship. 1.1- He is responsible for; Being ready in the predefined place.

By |2018-05-21T14:00:50+03:0021 May 2018|News|0 Comments

What General Assembly of the corporate having debts has to do?

 What General Assembly of the corporate having debts has to do?If the fact of half total of capital and contingency reserve are unreciprocated, is understood from last years’ balance sheet, board of management call the meeting on

By |2018-05-21T12:03:17+03:0021 May 2018|News|0 Comments
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