If the Corporation is handed over after it goes into Action, How Can the Transferor and the Transferee Benefit from Reduced Corporate Tax?

17.07.2017 If the Corporation is handed over before it goes into action or after it partially...

By |2019-01-07T11:16:27+03:007 January 2019|News|0 Comments

How much of a Salary Can be Sequestrated or Assigned and Transferred to Somebody Else?

According to article 35 of the Turkish Labor Law numbered 4857, it is clearly stated that it is not possible to sequestrate or assign and transfer more than ¼...

By |2019-01-07T11:15:22+03:007 January 2019|News|Comments Off on How much of a Salary Can be Sequestrated or Assigned and Transferred to Somebody Else?

If an Employee Leaves his Job in Order to Receive Lump Sum Payment, Will He/She Have a Right to Get Seniority Indemnity in Turkey?

Lump Sum Payment: If an insured employee fulfills the age limit...

By |2019-01-07T11:15:02+03:007 January 2019|News|Comments Off on If an Employee Leaves his Job in Order to Receive Lump Sum Payment, Will He/She Have a Right to Get Seniority Indemnity in Turkey?

Are Directors and Shareholders of a Limited Company Responsible for Unpaid SSI Premium Debts in Turkey?

Directors in Limited Companies are jointly and severally responsible for all debts originating during...

By |2019-01-07T11:14:05+03:007 January 2019|News|0 Comments
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