IMF: Asia should prioritize reforms that address the investment scarring from high corporate debt, mitigate education losses, and boost digitalization

April 4, 2023 How Asia Can Ease Scarring from Lower [...]

By |2023-04-03T10:02:26+03:004 April 2023|News|0 Comments

While inflation in Türkiye increased by 2.29% in March, annual inflation fell to 50.51% due to the base effect

April 3, 2023 Consumer Price Index in Türkiye, March 2023 [...]

By |2023-04-03T10:20:03+03:003 April 2023|News|Comments Off on While inflation in Türkiye increased by 2.29% in March, annual inflation fell to 50.51% due to the base effect
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