May 26, 2022

Global economic activity has been decelerating characterized by inflationary pressures, and changes in the stance of economic policies.

In the first quarter, in Italy the seasonally and calendar adjusted, chained volume measure of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) decreased by 0.2% with respect to the previous quarter. The carryover for 2022 is 2.2%.

In March, Italian industrial production index stabilised with respect to the previous month. On average, in the first quarter industrial production decreased by 0.9%.

In March labour market improved, rising employment and reducing unemployment.

According to preliminary estimates, in April the Italian harmonised index of consumer prices (HICP) increased by 6.6% on annual basis, decelerating from March. The negative inflation differential with euro area widened.

In April, the consumer confidence index slipped, compared to March, the economic, the personal and the current climate decreased while the future one bettered. In the same month the business confidence climate, increased slightly.

Source:Italian National Institute of Statistics
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