According to the Turkish Statistical Institute’s data dated 17.01.2017 and numbered 24570, in Turkey
1- 1.211.487 automobiles were produced.
By 2015, 1.211.487 automobiles were produced and
2- The amount of sales were 956 billion 497 million TL.
The distribution of the sales of the manufactured products by years is indicated below;
3- 15, 6 % of the sales consisted of food products.
-15, 6 % of food products
-11, 3 % base metal industrial goods
-8, 8 % motor land vehicles, trailer and semi-trailer consisted of the total amount of sales of the manufactured products in 2015.
4- The total sale value of high-tech workhorse in the first three industry segments that have the optimum share is 3,2 %.
In 2015, 3,2 % of the sales from the production consisted of high-tech workhorse.
The percentage of low-tech and medium-low tech was 72; on the other hand, the ratio of medium high tech was 24, 8 %.
5- The proportional distribution of products according to technologic level, 2013 – 2015
In line with the technologic level, the table related to the distribution of products between 2013 and 2015 is demonstrated below;
Source: Turkish Statistical Institute (dated 17.01.2017 and numbered 24570)