1.1- Shareholders are able to use their rights at general meetings, legal exceptions are reserved.
1.2 It is mandatory that at least 4 members of the board have to attend the meeting. The other members of the board are able to attend meeting. Inspector has to attend meeting. The members of the board and the inspectors express their opinions.
1.3- According to the Turkish Trade Law article number 333, the representative of the Ministry of Customs and Trade, have to attend companies’ general meetings. In other companies, in which situations the representatives of the ministry of customs and trade attend general meeting and the procedures and principles related to the meeting are regulated by the code of The Ministry of Customs and Trade. The expenses of attending meeting of the representative of the ministry of customs and trade are afforded by the companies.

2.1- General Assembly makes decisions in accordance with the provisions of the related law.
2.2- With the exception of nontransferable rights and duties, above mentioned rights and rules of general assembly cannot be transferred.
2.2.1- The change of main agreement.
2.2.2- The election of the members of board, the detection of durations, payments and per Diem, the decision on discharges and dismissals.
2.2.3- Except for the exceptions on the law, the election of inspector and dismissals.
2.2.4- Decision on financial tables, annual report of the members of board, savings out of annual profit and on the detection of Premium and including gaining of the margin of the joining of contingency reserve to the capital or profit sharing.
2.2.5- Dissolution of the company not in accordance with the provisions of the relate law.
2.2.6- Wholesale of company’s assets.

2.3- In corporate companies with one shareholder, has the every right of general assembly. It is mandatory that decisions regarding general meeting made by the