Females constituted 49.8% and males constituted 50.2% of the population of Turkey
According to the results of the Address Based Population Registration System; while the female population was 41 million 433 thousand 861 persons, the male population was 41 million 721 thousand 136 persons in 2019. In other words, females constituted 49.8% and males constituted 50.2% of the total population. This proportional balance between females and males has changed in favor of females as from the age group of 60 and over due to the longer lives of females. While the proportion of the female population was 52.2% in 60-74 age group, it was 73.0% in the 90 and over age group.
The proportion of population by sex and age group (%), 2019

Life expectancy at birth was 81.0 years for females, 75.6 years for males
According to the life tables, 2016-2018 results; life expectancy at birth was 78.3 years for total population, 81.0 years for females and 75.6 years for males in Turkey. In general, females live longer than males and the difference in life expectancy at birth is 5.4 years.
Healthy life years at birth was 56.8 years for females, 59.9 years for males
Healthy life years is defined as the number of years of life at a certain age without health problems limiting their activities of daily living. According to the results of the life tables, 2016-2018; healthy life years for a person at the age of zero was calculated as 58.3 years for total population, 56.8 years for females and 59.9 years for males in Turkey. Accordingly, it was found that the healthy life years at birth of males were 3.1 years longer than those of females.
The proportion of females completing at least one educational level was 84.5%
According to the National Education Statistics Database results; between the years of 2008 and 2018, it was observed that the proportion of those aged 25 and over and completed at least one level of education in total population has increased over the years. The proportion of individuals aged 25 and over and completed at least one level of education within the total population was 81.1% in 2008 and 90.1% in 2018. When the proportion of those who completed at least one education level by sex was examined; this proportion was 72.6% for females and 89.8% for males in 2008 and it was 84.5% and 95.9% in 2018.
Proportion of those who have completed at least one educational level by sex (%), 2008-2018

The proportion of the population aged 25 and over and who were at least university graduates, within the total population was 9.8% in 2008 and 19.9% in 2018. When this proportion was analyzed by sex; while it was 7.6% for females and 12.1% for males in 2008, this proportion was 17.5% for females and 22.4% for males in 2018.
Selected indicators by sex, 2018

The highest female employment rate was seen in TR82 (Kastamonu, Çankırı, Sinop) region
According to the results of the household labour force survey; in 2018, the proportion of those who were 15 years of age and over and in employment was 47.4% in Turkey. This proportion was 29.4% for females and 65.7% for males.The highest employment rate was realized in TR21 (Tekirdağ, Edirne, Kırklareli) region with 55.3% in 2018. As for the lowest employment rate was in TRC3 (Mardin, Batman, Şırnak, Siirt) region with 30.5%. While the highest female employment rate was in TR82 (Kastamonu, Çankırı, Sinop) region with 40.4%, the highest male employment rate was in TR21 (Tekirdağ, Edirne,
Kırklareli) region with 75.0%. The lowest employment rate was in TRC3 (Mardin, Batman, Şırnak, Siirt) region with 11.9% for females and 50.8% for males.
The employment rate of females aged 25-49 with children under age 3 living in the household was 26.5%
According to the results of the household labour force survey; while the employment rate of individuals in the 25-49 age group living in households with children under age 3 was 59.8% in 2014, it was 60.5% in 2018. When this rate was analyzed by sex, it was 26.5% for females and 90.4% for males in 2018.
Duration of working life for females increased 2.3 years within 6 years
The duration of working life is defined as the number of years that a person is expected to be active in the labor market throughout his/her life. According to the results of the household labour force survey; while the duration of working life of the ones aged 15 and over was 16.7 years for females and 37.7 years for males in 2013, it was 19.0 years for females and 39.3 years for males in 2018.
Duration of working life, 2013-2018

Average annual gross earnings of males were higher
According to the Structure of Earnings Survey, 2018 results; the average annual gross earning was 49 thousand 001 TL. This value was estimated as 46 thousand 208 TL for females and 50 thousand 297 TL for males in 2018.
The sector where females earned the highest income was financial and insurance activities
As the gross earnings of waged employees were examined by the branch of economic activity, the highest monthly average gross wage was observed as 7 thousand 492 TL in the “information and communication” sector. This group was followed by “financial and insurance activities” sector with 6 thousand 559 TL. The lowest monthly average gross earnings was 2 thousand 872 TL in the “accommodation and food service activities” sector. This sector was followed by “administrative and support service activities” sector with monthly average gross earnings of 2 thousand 999 TL.As the gross earnings by the branch of economic activity were examined by sex, the highest monthly average gross wages was observed as 6 thousand 428 TL for females in “financial and insurance activities” sector and 7 thousand 974 TL for males in the “information and communication” sector. The lowest monthly average gross wages was observed as 2 thousand 663 TL for females and 2 thousand 974 TL for males in the “accommodation and food service activities” sector.
Females received lower wages than males at all educational levels
Gender pay gap is defined as the difference between male and female wages expressed as a percentage of male wages. This indicator was calculated using the annual average regular gross wage. According to the Structure of Earnings Survey, 2018 results; the gender pay gap was realized in favor of the male wage in total and at all education levels. The gender pay gap was 7.7% in total. The biggest difference in gender pay gap was observed as 28.8% between males and females with vocational high school graduates, while the lowest difference was observed as 14.3% between males and females with high school graduates.
The annual average regular gross wage by sex and educational status, 2018

61.0% of employed females and 57.3% of employed males worked without time pressure
Time pressure is the pressure to finish tasks within a time span that is considered insufficient. According to the Work Organization and Working Time Arrangements Survey, 2019 results; 41.5% of the employed persons stated that they worked under time pressure and 58.5% stated that they worked without time pressure. While 39.0% of employed females stated that they worked under time pressure, this proportion was 42.7% for employed males.
It was observed that the average commuting time between home and work of females was less than that of males
According to the Work Organization and Working Time Arrangements Survey, 2019 results; while 30.3% of the employed persons stated that the average commuting time between home and work was less than 15 minutes, for 30.3% of them it was between 15-29 minutes, for 26.6% it was 30-59 minutes, 6.2% of them stated that they reached the work place between 60-89 minutes. 1.3% of employed persons stated that they had 90 minutes or more commuting time. 5.4% of the employed persons stated that they work at home.While 32.0% of the employed females and 29.5% of the employed males stated that the average commuting time was less than 15 minutes, 11.4% of the employed females and 2.5% of the employed males stated that they work at home. It was observed that the average commuting time of females was less than that of males and the more females managed their business from their own home.
68.6% of the employed females was satisfied with the time spent for commuting time
According to the life satisfaction survey results, while the 69.0% of the employed people stated that they were satisfied with the time spent for commuting time, this proportion was 68.6% for employed females and 69.1% for employed males in 2019.
The proportion of female deputy was 17.3%
According to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey data; among the 589 deputies, it was seen that the number of female deputies was 102 and the number of male deputies was 487 in 2019. While the proportion of females deputies entering the parliament was 9.1% in 2007, this proportion was 17.3% in 2019.
Mean age at first marriage was 25.0 for females and 27.9 for males
According to the marriage statistics; while the mean marriage age of females who officially made their first marriage in 2019 was 25.0, it was 27.9 for males. The province with the highest age at first marriage was Tunceli with 28.4 age for females and 31.1 age for males. The provinces with the lowest age at first marriage were Ağrı with 21.9 age for females and Şanlıurfa with 26.0 age for males.
The distribution of the first 3 provinces with the highest and the lowest mean age at first marriage by sex, 2019

It was seen that 14.3% of females had higher education level than their spouses
According to the results of the ABPRS; when the educational difference between spouses was examined in official marriages; it was seen that 41.2% of females were married with the males that had higher educational level than them, while the proportion of females who had higher educational level than their spouses was 14.3% in 2018. While the proportion of spouses with the same educational levels was 43.1%, the proportion of spouses with unknown education levels differences was 1.5%.
Crude divorce rate was 1.88 per thousand
According to the divorce statistics; crude divorce rate was 1.88 per thousand in 2019. When the crude divorce rate was analyzed by provinces, the province with the highest crude divorce rate was İzmir with 2.95 per thousand. İzmir was followed by Antalya with 2.88 per thousand and Muğla with 2.71 per thousand. The province with the lowest crude divorce rate was Hakkari with 0.25 per thousand. This province was followed by Siirt and Muş with 0.33 per thousand.
The proportion of females using mobile phones was 90.2%
According to the information and communication technology usage survey on households and individuals results; in the three months period covering January-March 2019, the mobile phone usage proportion of individuals aged 16-74 was 93.5%. This proportion was 90.2% for females and 96.9% for males.
Females mostly lost their lives due to circulatory system diseases
According to the causes of the death statistics results; when the causes of death in Turkey was analyzed in 2018, circulatory system diseases were in the first place with 38.4%, benign and malignant tumors were in second place with 19.7%, and respiratory system diseases were in the third place with 12.5%.
When the causes of death statistics were analyzed by sex; while there was no significant difference between males and females in the ranking, it was observed that females who lost their lives due to circulatory system diseases were more than males. Accordingly; while the proportion of females who lost their lives due to circulatory system diseases, which rank first among the causes of death was 42.2%, this proportion for males was 35.3%.
Females were happier than males
According to the results of life satisfaction survey, the proportion of individuals who declared that they were happy was 52.4% in 2019. While the proportion of happiness for females was 57.0%, it was 47.6% for males. It was observed that 55.6% of married individuals and 45.1% of non-married individuals were happy. While 60.2% of married females and 50.6% of married males declared that they were happy, 49.1% of unmarried females and 41.3% of unmarried males declared that they were happy.
The next release on this subject will be on March 2021.
It is a fact that studies should be carried out for developing the social and economic positions of women and improving the negative indicators on this subject by all parties who have responsibility. In order to form necessary policies in this field and follow up these policies healthfully, Gender Indicators Data Set which includes 129 indicators under 16 topics is published through the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) web site.
In addition, TurkStat published United Nations (UN) Minimum Set of Gender Indicators via TurkStat website for the first time in 2017 under the Gender Indicator Data Set at the Internet address of http://www.turkstat.gov.tr/PreTablo.do?alt_id=1068. UN 52 Minimum Set of Gender Indicators which were agreed by the United Nations Statistical Commission in 2013 are indicators about the subject of gender statistics which are nationally produced and internationally comparable.