Animal Production Statistics, 2019 in Turkey

Total milk production increased by 3.8% in 2019 when compared to the previous year, and became 22 million 960 thousand tonnes.

Data on the number of bovine animals, sheep and goats, poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, and goose), and apiculture are compiled directly via Statistical Data Network (SDN) system through province directorates of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MoAF) in district detail. SDN is a newly established data entry system within the structure of MoAF, where the data are entered by responsible staff in the province and district offices of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry via electronic media. Data on sericulture is compiled from MoAF since 2015.
Production amounts of milk, wool, hair, and mohair which are derivative variables are calculated by Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) from data collected through SDN within the context of international methodologies.
While data on number of livestock within the coverage of this press release is related by end of December, 2019; data on animal production cover total production between January-December 2019.
Source: TurkStat
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