
Minister of science, industry and technology Özlü has made statements about the International Technology Bank which will be operational under the leadership of UN and in tandem with Scientific And Technological Research Council Of Turkey. The Minister has stated that, UN alliance will come to examine the prepararations in the International Technology Bank compound which will be founded in Gebze with the aim of strengthening the capacities of underdeveloped countries for science, technology and innovation, and that a host country agreement will be made and signed between Turkey and UN. After the agreement is signed the office space employers in Gebze will be determined and International Technology Bank will start operating this year.

The Minister has stated that, in the process of The International Technology Bank’s establishment, a high level expert panel has been founded and assessment conferences have taken place. It’s been decided in the The UN’s 70th General Assembly that the International Technology Bank will be founded in Gebze.

The Minister has stated that, after the assessments, The UN committee will go to USA and later a host country agreement will be made and signed between Turkey and UN.

The Minister stated that after the signature the office space in Gebze and the employers will be determined, The International Technology Bank will start operating. The Minister said that the donor country Turkey will be receiving a financial support of 2 million USD every year in the first five years.

Source: The Ministry Of Industry And Technology