1-What is labor contract?
According to the Turkish Labor Law no. 4857, labor contract is an agreement between an employer and an employee about salary, benefits and working conditions.

2-What are the labor contract types?
The provisions about labor contract are involved in articles 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16 of the Labor Law no. 4857.

The contract types:
Permanent and Discontinuous Labor Contracts (Article 10 of the L.L.)
2.2- Employment Contracts of Indefinite Duration and Definite Duration (Articles 11-12 of the L.L.)
2.3- Part-Time and Full-Time Contracts (Article 13 of the L.L.)
2.4- Employment Period with Probation Period (Article 15 of the L.L.)
2.5- Gang Contract (Article 16 of the L.L.)

3-What is the most common contract type in Turkey?
In Turkey, the most common contract type is Employment Contract of Indefinite Duration.

Employment Contract of Indefinite Duration is specified in articles 11 and 12 of the Labor Law no. 4857.

According to that;
3.1- Employment Contract of Indefinite Duration is not subjected to a time limit which means there is no expiry date written in the contract.
3.2- Employment Contract of Definite Duration is formed
– in fixed term employments
– Till the job is finished.

**Employment Contract of Definite Duration cannot be prepared in sequence (more than one) without an essential reason. If prepared, the contract will be regarded ab initio as employment contract of indefinite duration.

Source: Turkish Statistical Institute – General Directorate of Land Registers